Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Adventures in Shelving - Reflecting on the Adult Summer Reading Program

I guess on a lighter note...

I'm extremely jealous of the Children's Summer Reading Program that our library put on. Why? Because they had awesome prizes (my definition of awesome should be considered questionable to most people). I want a harmonica. I want one of those colorful weeeewwooooop! whistles. But most of all, I want a pair of disguise glasses with the nose attachment and little mustache and eyebrows!

I read ten books for the Adult Reading Program. I didn't get anything. It honestly didn't even feel like I was participating in a program. We don't even get together and share how awesome our books were (I read some pretty awesome books). Okay, so I work for the library. Maybe the prizes are better off going to patrons. But I'd settle for a mechanical pencil as a prize. An eraser. A feather tied to a piece of string - anything! I'm not hard to please! This is someone whose second job could no longer pay her, but she still did the work voluntarily and then agreed to get paid with sticker paper. STICKER PAPER. Oh, and then one time, I asked to be "paid" with a sheet of brown felt. This is all true.

I'm usually good at winning drawings too. When I was younger I would always enter those coloring contests at grocery stores, and then one time I won this Chester Cheetos Bike (these are the only pictures I could find of it). I don't know where mine went, but it was a big deal at the time.

Anyway, now that I got that out of my system, I have to find a store that sells those disguise glasses. And then join a book club. And wear the glasses to each meeting. Where is this going? Is this even funny?


Arcadia Public Library said...

I hope you got your sign-up prizes!

b the b said...



sign-up prizes? for the adult SRP?
please don't toy with my emotions.

Cinderella said...

Great blog, the pictures are really interesting and don't worry about losing track of time we all end up where we are supposed to be so just keep searching you sound as if you are very open minded.
Thanks for keeping up with this blog and I hope it's o.k. if I keep reading.
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