Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Can't Blog

...I'm too busy watching Deadwood. I don't know why I never watched this when it was still airing on HBO. It's exactly the kind of show and time in U.S. history that I'm into.

In the same vain, I've rediscovered a love for early Americana music. All the cross-culturalization (haven't used such an embarrassingly semi-academic phrase since college ibarelyrememberwhatitmeansanymore what was the topic of this post? oh yes) of the musical styles from the immigrants who came to the new world...what stories they told...and how they told can you not love that?

Lastly, and not in the same vain at all, Samurai movies galore! Thank you, my DVD-lending library, hugs n tugs cheers n jeers pedal to the metal rat a tat boom and all those noises.

To come: my very interesting dreams

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