Sunday, May 3, 2009

Drawing From Memory!

I've been clearing out my room so that I can have space for a mini music "studio." While sifting through papers I found these loose sheets from last year. I thought up this exercise where you try to draw cartoon characters strictly from memory. H and I tried our best with interesting results, to say the least...

First I tried Bender from Futurama. This is what he really looks like:

And here's my Bender:

All I could visually remember was that he had an open mouth with teeth, and that he was made of cylinders.

Here is Peter Griffin from Family Guy:

And here is H's version:

Chins took precedence.

Lastly, we tried Coach McGuirk and Mr. Lynch from Home Movies. Here's a clip from the show:

These are our monstrosities:
Mr. Lynch

The slicked hair and mustache are there, but a bow tie would have helped.

Coach McGuirk

Hahaha! He looks like a toad with stripes! The bottom head was drawn after looking at a real picture.

The best part is after drawing your version, when you look at the real thing and realize how far off you were. I had a good laugh.

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