Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Deep Stuff...Why I Miss and Don't Miss College

My dear RSS feeders,

I found a lot of scraps of paper from when I was at Irvine. I wrote a lot of stream of consciousness junk. Was I going through an existential crisis? Yes and no - just trying to survive my Humanities curriculum.

Of Seeing Things In a Different Light
The everyday is magnified by the misuse of an everyday object - glasses with lenses too strong or dark or deep. Is this the only way to see the brilliance of life's details? Often I sit and wonder wo [where] this man is going, why and with whom. Why this woman chooses to wear shoes uncomfortable. Why do we do these things? What is the underlying meaning of life? How do we find the answers? By taking different perspectives. This way we can acquire new meanings.

Here's one I wrote in German (Probably an exercise where I had to use prepositions)

irgendwann sonntags
Ich wache auf, und schaue durch das Fenster.
Eine Frau ohne einen Gesicht weint allein.
Aber der Himmel weint mit ihr.
Ich laufe gegen den Regen.
Meinen Katzen laufen fuer die Voegeln.

{translation: I wake up and look through the window. A woman without a face cries alone. But the sky cries with her. I run against the rain. My cats run for the birds.}

Then I have some short funnier ones:

I really want to go home. This place makes my back hurt. And my left ear squishy.

And more positive, but still confusing, lines like:

I don't know what I dislike anymore
But if life is everchanging
I'll find myself again soon
Fresh and new

Solid gold, eh? Let's all take a moment and expound on Bianca's deep thoughts...

I guess you can tell from the writing...I never gained my Freshman 15 because I ate my feelings instead. ZIIING!


Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub,


Aaron B. Brown said...

Hey, I just ran across your blog by accident, cutting your hair, booger eating children, fabulous.

Here's a little secret from the older generation, in case you haven't already realize this.

We are all connected, and it is the connections we make on this journey that matter most. So keep your eyes and ears open all the time, notice everything, admire nothing. As they say in the Marines. :-)

I get the sense that you are a recently graduated college student, don't worry, life is just like college, hang in there, one step at a time, one goal at a time, and before you know you'll get where you're going. Just don't forget to look around you and enjoy everything and everyone you meet along your path.


b the b said...

Hey, thanks. I appreciate your advice.

I think a problem I have is that I've always been a keen observer of life, but haven't been engaged enough in it to really be-the-change-I-wish-to-see-in-the-world sort of idea (thanks, Gandhi).

I'm working on it...